Pascal Gantenbein on the Finance MBA |

Pascal Gantenbein on the Finance MBA

By Pavel Kantorek

Updated Updated

The following article is sponsored by the University of St. Gallen, a leading European business school based in Eastern Switzerland. Check out their international MBA program

Pascal Gantenbein is a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen, as well as the Henri-B.-Meier professor of Financial Management at the University of Basel's Center of Economic Sciences (WWZ). He has authored and co-authored several books and papers on the subjects of fixed-income instruments, portfolio theory, capital markets, real estate markets, corporate portfolio management, and venture finance.

He discusses the continued relevance of the finance MBA and offers advice to those considering an MBA with

Why did you decide to teach at St. Gallen?

The St. Gallen MBA features a competent and committed international faculty with a long history of excellent ties to the corporate world as well as highly motivated students from all over the world. This creates a prolific, creative, and inspiring environment. Furthermore, the support and organization of the MBA administration is always excellent.

What has allowed Switzerland to retain its status as an international finance hub?

Switzerland’s financial institutions offer a high degree of reliability and professionalism, and the infrastructure of the financial market is technically outstanding, all in a setting of economic, political and legal stability.

Why is finance still an important MBA specialization?

First of all, practically all major business decisions are contingent on financial issues. Hence, financial criteria are crucial for decision making in both the corporate and the public sector.

Second, a sound knowledge of finance is a key prerequisite for all types of corporate transactions and is therefore useful in a broad spectrum of professional activities.
And third, the turmoil in financial markets over the past couple of years has clearly shown how vital solid financials and proper risk management are. Therefore, finance today is recognized as an important function across all industries.

How does an MBA prepare students for jobs in financial management?

An MBA program offers an integrative and solid understanding across all disciplines of business, and is therefore an indispensable basis for a business career in general, and in the area of financial management in particular. It contributes to an ability to follow appropriate decision-making processes and, very importantly, also teaches students to be critical and ask the right questions.

What are some of the most influential finance trends affecting MBA students and graduates?

Today, I see very diverse trends in finance which are either functional or industry related. Clearly, risk management and corporate governance have become more important. The same is true for venture finance as the newer generation of MBAs is much more interested in becoming founders of their own companies. Moreover, real estate finance as well as finance in connection with regulation, in the insurance sector for example, has recently attracted significant attention. To some extent, all these trends mirror the current developments in the markets.

What advice do you have for those considering an MBA in finance?

1.    Clearly define why you are doing an MBA.
2.    Make sure you have the time available to study and fully concentrate on the program.
3.    And be aware that you can derive the most benefit from an MBA if you also have a few years of professional experience.

This article is sponsored by the University of St. Gallen, a leading European business school based in Eastern Switzerland.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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